Tuesday 28 July 2015

Grandparents Mass

The Grandparents' Mass was a great success. The choir sung beautifully and all the grandparents had a lovely time visiting our classrooms. They had an amazing morning tea and biscuits. St Paul's senior band played an outstanding ensemble of songs and entertained everyone with their musical talents.

After the mass, the grandparents had a chance to see all the children's outstanding bookwork, and  those who had no grandparents with them completed a mathematical activity. The mass was celebrating the feast of Jesus' grandparents saint Anne and saint Joachim!

Athletics carnival

This morning some of the school went down to Max Ruddocks Reserve but some of the people had to leave early to do the 800 meter run.The only events were the 800,200 and 100 metre sprints.All of the teachers were very supportive to all the kids that ran at the event. All the kids that didn't do so well were supported by all the other children. All the kids had a great time at this event showing off the skills they have for running. In the 8 hundred meters under 11's there were 6 places in most of all the races. It was under 8 to under 12.The diocesan is next week for all the fast runner.  

Sunday 26 July 2015

Students support Door Knock Appeal

Our Mini Vinnies Team has been hard at work this term producing a video showing their support of the St Vincent de Paul door knock Appeal. During the week they entered all the classes from Kindy to Year Six and explained why we should come together and support this great organisation. Our school has been an active participant in the appeal for many years and slowly the support from students and parents has increased. If you have a few hours to spare on August 22 or 23 please think about joining your child in support of this appeal. It is a great way to show your child the importance of giving back to the community and living our faith.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Skipping, Mr Murray and Netball


Recently the media reported on the importance of engaging children in physical activities to combat the growing obesity levels among children. Thankfully at St Paul's we are trying to give the students many opportunities to develop their skills and improve their fitness levels. During this term the Dance Fever Team has returned with the emphasis on skipping. Year Five love it as is seen by the blog below.  

Throughout the year the students are also able to participate in many gala days. Our latest gala day focussed on netball. 

So far we have been learning new skills in our skipping class like the double jump. Hayley!
So far year 5 have been learning lots of cool skipping. Our skipping teachers taught us new skills.Holly!
Hi guys, on monday we did skipping it was fun Claudia f.
On Monday we attended the skipping program. We learnt how to do speed skipping it was really fun and tiring. Alsa
WOW! Monday was so much fun I didn't want to leave the skipping program it is always a blast . we have challenges that are awesome and our tricks are really spectacular and fun! thanks so much Lieutenant  and Tommy.Eliza.
Each week Year Five have a goal to learn a new strategy. Being our second week we focussed on speed. From far away it looks easy but close up it looks really hard. The instructors taught us techniques to go faster than usual. You keep your feet really low and only twist your wrists.

On Tuesday the 21/7/15 year 3 to 6 girls went to the Netball Gala Day they had a great day meanwhile the rest of year 5 and year 6 children listened to Mr Murray talking about his life and all types of bulling and solutions to stop bulling.We all enjoyed our very special day with Netball and Mr Murray's visit.At the netball gala day all the girls had an amazing day versing many  different schools around the diocese.
Congrats to the girls who represented our school at the St Bernadette's netball gala day.

On Tuesday the netball Gala day went ahead. Girls from Years 3-6 went and everyone had fun. Even though some people lost their games we all had a good day. Special thanks to the volunteers and teachers who helped on the day and to Mr Lehmann for organising the day.

This week girls went to the gala day. Even though we did not win all of our games we had a lot of fun. A big thanks to all the parents who helped and came along to support us. great work to Year Six and Year 3 who won the whole day. We hope we get the opportunity to participate in it again next year.

Unfortunately we were going to have our athletics carnival on Thursday but due to rain t was postponed for the second time. Hopefully we will have better luck next time. It was a week of disappointment, a we also discovered our good friend Declan is leaving. We will miss you Declan and wish you all the best at your new school.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Our First Day Back !

On our first day back we started by doing maths. In maths we did number busting for our warm up. Then we did a task about the difference between pyramids and prism and finding parallel lines in the shapes.

When we finished maths we split into our reading groups.My group was with Mrs Spencer we were reading a book called 'Where the forest meets the sea'. After morning tea we went to the hall to do an activity called skipping the helpers were Luke (Lieutenant) and Tom (tommy).

This term we have the privilege of having a prac teacher educating us. Miss Apap has been teaching Religion and English lessons each day. She is a great teacher and is very kind. She helps us with our studies too. Miss Apap has taught Year five how to put a picture in our mind by using descriptive language. Thank you Miss Apap for being a great teacher. We know that you will become an amazing teacher (you already are)
When she teaches us how to write descriptive writing she tells us to visualise the different parts of a hamburger. We use the top bun as the topic sentence, the patty , cheese and salad as the three supporting sentences and the bottom bun as our concluding sentence. This helps us organise our paragraph into different parts.

Term 3

What a good term 2 it has been, and good fun of course!
Now we're back in to action for term 3. Dance fever has brought back their dance crew this time for a great term of skipping.We learnt how to skip with 2 people using 1 rope. This term we have a fantastic new teacher Miss Apap. She is a wonderful help and so kind. We are very excited for next weeks sports carnival. Good luck to all colours.