Thursday 16 July 2015

Our First Day Back !

On our first day back we started by doing maths. In maths we did number busting for our warm up. Then we did a task about the difference between pyramids and prism and finding parallel lines in the shapes.

When we finished maths we split into our reading groups.My group was with Mrs Spencer we were reading a book called 'Where the forest meets the sea'. After morning tea we went to the hall to do an activity called skipping the helpers were Luke (Lieutenant) and Tom (tommy).

This term we have the privilege of having a prac teacher educating us. Miss Apap has been teaching Religion and English lessons each day. She is a great teacher and is very kind. She helps us with our studies too. Miss Apap has taught Year five how to put a picture in our mind by using descriptive language. Thank you Miss Apap for being a great teacher. We know that you will become an amazing teacher (you already are)
When she teaches us how to write descriptive writing she tells us to visualise the different parts of a hamburger. We use the top bun as the topic sentence, the patty , cheese and salad as the three supporting sentences and the bottom bun as our concluding sentence. This helps us organise our paragraph into different parts.

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