Tuesday 17 March 2015


 We Love Catholic Schools
Catholic Schools Week was held from 8 to 14 March. It was a great way to build relationships with the members of our school community. Throughout the week there were many opportunities to visit our school and experience a day in the life of a student at St Paul the Apostle.

In week 7 it is Catholic Schools Week. Parents came in and join in with their children, BACK TO SCHOOL PARENTS! On Monday the parents were invited to watch a lesson of dance fever.
On Wednesday the parents were invited to watch an art lesson with Mrs Sargent and a sports lesson with Mrs Milic. It was a lot of fun!

Its Catholic Schools Week.

Catholic Schools Week is when parents can come in to see their children do their lessons or their sports, music and art lessons.On Monday our  parents came to Dance Fever at the end of our lesson we had  a parent vs kids dance off. At sport we played 'Rock,River,Bridge' and we also played Bullrush. In art we did an artwork on Ken Done. Our parents have had an opportunity to  watch an art lesson and visit us during our Literacy block. We enjoyed sharing our learning with our parents and our art work looked awesome! Thanks Mrs Sargent.

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