Monday 16 March 2015

Mr Dib talks to us about Electricty

Year Five got a special visit from Mr Dib an electrician. We learnt where power came from and how power is transmitted. Did you know that when power transmitted it is an electron flow.

Year 5 learned many things that relate to electricity, we also got a sneak peak of some of the machines electricians use. Mr Dib did some experiments that were so fun.
We learnt about alternating and direct currents which is short for AC/DC. you would think that it is extremely hard to explain the way electricity works to Year 5 students but we all understood it clearly.
When Mr Dib came to our classroom he taught us about different types of circuits such as short circuits, long circuits and many more.

Year 5 was very happy when Mr Dib came to the Year 5 classroom to teach us about electricity we learned about AC/DC  and what electricians do.
The experiments were amazing !!!
Mr Dib showed us what not to do, how to create a spark and how light two light bulbs at the same time.
He gave us worksheets that taught us about different circuits.

He did the best experiments ever
Everyone loved it.
We all loved  Mr Dibs projects. They were awesome can't wait for something like this to happen again. It was very fun
Mr Dib had very interesting information about how electricity works.
He did a demonstration with positive and negative wires and what happens if they touch.
Mr Dib showed if the positive wire connects to the wire where the negative is meant to be.

He showed us how to be safe around electricity and taught us about circuit. If some how you break one Christmas light all the rest of the light bulbs will possibly break or go out. He showed us how how to make a circuit and produce light.


  1. Amazing performance and thanks Alyssa for getting your dad

    1. We were very lucky to have Alyssa's Dad come in and speak to us about 'Electricity'. He was very informative.

  2. I am surprised no one has gone on this page for it was a big hit at school

    1. You have been very busy responding to the blog this week - Sunshine!

  3. That was the favourite day of schools

  4. Thanks Alyssa for getting your dad in
