Friday 27 February 2015

Looking After Our World

Awareness of the World Around Us

March 1 is 'Clean-Up Australia Day'. The significance of the day is celebrated all around our community by members taking time out of their busy lives cleaning up their local park, street and community areas. It is also seen as a great learning opportunity at our school. During the week we experienced an incursion where the children learnt about the importance of recycling our food waste by starting a compost bin.
Year Five were very engaged during the lesson and have written an article below sharing their thoughts on the visit.


On Thursday 26 February Year Five participated in an incursion where they were spoken to about how to recycle effectively. A member from the Cleanaway Company, Natalie, also spoke to us about compost and how to start our own worm farm!

The exciting part for most people was holding worms, for others it was absolutely disgusting. In the mini worm farms we wet newspaper, worm eggs, rotten fruit or other forms of worm food. Natalie told us about worm food, worm habitats, worm tea and sickening food for worms.

 One other thing Natalie talked to us about was the three different types of bins. With this he told us about how the cycle works and what happens tot he rubbish.

This talk was very fascinating to everyone and we all had a great and informative time. Some more than others! Some photos are below.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Shrove Tuesday Celebrations

Pancake Tuesday 

The Tuesday before Lent is know as Shrove Tuesday. On this day it has become custom to eat pancakes, as Lent was seen as a time of fasting. It is also known as "Shrove" Tuesday because of a Catholic custom of going to confession in preparation for Lent. Shrove comes from the word shrive and refers to the absolution of sins.

Today we had a wonderful time in Year Five eating pancakes. During 'Literacy Groups' some children wrote a blog about the experience.

Pancake Day

On Shrove Tuesday, 17 February, Stage 3 (Year 5 and 6) had a taste of some delicious pancakes. Our teachers brought the supplies, such as butter, pancake mix and a frypan. They were nice but some of us may have put a bit too much butter on them. We had a great time but we couldn't have done it by ourselves so some parent helpers came to help. Thank you Mrs Elias, Mrs Dominello (Isabella's Grandma), Mrs Dib and Mr Pillay. 

We snapped some wonderful photos. You can see them below.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Dance Fever

Dancing Together Helps Build Relationships

According to the Foundation Statements within the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Syllabus the students in Stage 3 should be able to "apply, adapt and vary movement skills in dance, gymnastics, games and sports." At St Paul the Apostle this year, we are focussing on the element of dance. Each week all classes attend lessons based on three different styles of dance - Waltz, Hip-Hop and Samba. Through the experiences the children will cover and understand the elements of movement sequences with control and coordination, by doing so they will be fulfilling the outcomes for stage 3. Please read the reflections of the students, found below.

Dance Fever

Every Monday afternoon, after lunch, Year 5 participate in dance fever. We are learning to do the Samba, Hip Hop and the Waltz. Our dance teachers help us learn new routines. They are awesome, active and inspiring and most importantly they love to dance. 

The first thing our excited, cool and flamboyant teachers did was introduce themselves. We were very impressed to find Cruz came all the way from South America to teach us some moves. Immediately after introducing themselves they told us what we would be doing this term. After a while we did some cool moves and copied Cruz.

The two main dance instructors are very friendly and have a great sense of humour. Their names are Mrs G and Charlotte. Mrs G and Charlotte have names to help us remember the dance routines. One is CAT DADDY. 

Even though we danced with girls and boys we all had a lot of fun. We also had a fewlaughs and smiles. Dance fever is great way to spend some time with friends. Dance fever is so much fun, it is hard to get every step correct but it helps if we count the moves.  I am sure we will get better as the term progresses.

Maybe you will see us on the next 'Australia's Got Talent'. Thanks Dance Fever for teaching us!

Sunday 8 February 2015

Reflections on Our First Week in Year Five

During the first week of Year Five, the teachers have been setting up the expectations for the year and inviting the students to set Literacy goals for themselves. In the next few weeks you will be asked to attend a goal setting meeting with your child. During this time a goal will be set to help the children focus on during the first half of the year.
It is a great opportunity for you to discuss with them what they would like to achieve. When setting a goal it is important to make sure they are SMART. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely)
We look forward to meeting with you and setting goals together.

Student Reflections

During our Literacy Groups some of the students reflected on the first week of Year Five.

Gabriella: This year we have begun Year Five with our topic "It's Electrifying". We have been solving how power can be transmitted without cables or power.

Serom: Mrs Spencer, one of our teachers has been reading 'Max Remy Super Spy' by Deborah Abela.

Ebony: On Monday, Year 5 particpated in "Dance Fever". One of the dance teacher's, Cruz, came all the way from Cuba. We also learned part of two dances, Hip-hop and Samba. We cannot wait until next week.

Christian: We have a group of four and each day we get a special job. There is Gopher, Coach, Quiet Captain and Reporter.

Samantha: We have two tubs one for under our desk and one in a shelf for books and when we move our tubs make a noise.

Emily: We have Mrs Sargent for art on a Wednesday.

Jack: Each Wednesday Year Five participates in Sport with Mrs Milic.

Nicholas: We have awesome diaries they are enjoyable.

Hannah:Year Five is the most interesting year and we have the best teachers ever.

Hayley: Love the teachers and their funny accents.

Here are some other comments made by students:

Year 5 is enjoyable. This year the teachers and subjects are fun. In Year 5 we have been enjoying all the teachers. Year Five is the best. I love school now. Year Five is the BEST, I love the teachers. Year Five is awesome, I cannot wait for camp.