Sunday 8 February 2015

Reflections on Our First Week in Year Five

During the first week of Year Five, the teachers have been setting up the expectations for the year and inviting the students to set Literacy goals for themselves. In the next few weeks you will be asked to attend a goal setting meeting with your child. During this time a goal will be set to help the children focus on during the first half of the year.
It is a great opportunity for you to discuss with them what they would like to achieve. When setting a goal it is important to make sure they are SMART. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely)
We look forward to meeting with you and setting goals together.

Student Reflections

During our Literacy Groups some of the students reflected on the first week of Year Five.

Gabriella: This year we have begun Year Five with our topic "It's Electrifying". We have been solving how power can be transmitted without cables or power.

Serom: Mrs Spencer, one of our teachers has been reading 'Max Remy Super Spy' by Deborah Abela.

Ebony: On Monday, Year 5 particpated in "Dance Fever". One of the dance teacher's, Cruz, came all the way from Cuba. We also learned part of two dances, Hip-hop and Samba. We cannot wait until next week.

Christian: We have a group of four and each day we get a special job. There is Gopher, Coach, Quiet Captain and Reporter.

Samantha: We have two tubs one for under our desk and one in a shelf for books and when we move our tubs make a noise.

Emily: We have Mrs Sargent for art on a Wednesday.

Jack: Each Wednesday Year Five participates in Sport with Mrs Milic.

Nicholas: We have awesome diaries they are enjoyable.

Hannah:Year Five is the most interesting year and we have the best teachers ever.

Hayley: Love the teachers and their funny accents.

Here are some other comments made by students:

Year 5 is enjoyable. This year the teachers and subjects are fun. In Year 5 we have been enjoying all the teachers. Year Five is the best. I love school now. Year Five is the BEST, I love the teachers. Year Five is awesome, I cannot wait for camp.


  1. year 5 is the best

  2. Hi Everyone, It was so nice to see you all and observing how much you've grown.I am so happy that you think learning is fun and you are so lucky to have your beautiful teachers to help you with your learning. Don't forget to ask yourself where you are in your journey of learning. I think many of you look like you are in the driver's seat. Looking forward to joining you soon.
    Love Mrs Tedesco

    1. i am happy that mrs Tedesco is with us next term

  3. I love my teachers

    1. Your teachers love to stretch your dendrites and make hard thinking occur.
