Tuesday 17 February 2015

Shrove Tuesday Celebrations

Pancake Tuesday 

The Tuesday before Lent is know as Shrove Tuesday. On this day it has become custom to eat pancakes, as Lent was seen as a time of fasting. It is also known as "Shrove" Tuesday because of a Catholic custom of going to confession in preparation for Lent. Shrove comes from the word shrive and refers to the absolution of sins.

Today we had a wonderful time in Year Five eating pancakes. During 'Literacy Groups' some children wrote a blog about the experience.

Pancake Day

On Shrove Tuesday, 17 February, Stage 3 (Year 5 and 6) had a taste of some delicious pancakes. Our teachers brought the supplies, such as butter, pancake mix and a frypan. They were nice but some of us may have put a bit too much butter on them. We had a great time but we couldn't have done it by ourselves so some parent helpers came to help. Thank you Mrs Elias, Mrs Dominello (Isabella's Grandma), Mrs Dib and Mr Pillay. 

We snapped some wonderful photos. You can see them below.


  1. The pancakes were great

  2. I had fun with my mum making the pancakes!!!!!!!

  3. THE PANCAKES WERE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! especially with butter!

  4. Yes, we are so lucky to have parent helpers to come and help us.

  5. Myles I have to agree with you the pancakes were amazing! and even better with butter

    1. Pancakes always taste yummy. It was great to have all the healpers

  6. Hey, I'm on the internet🌺
