Friday 27 February 2015

Looking After Our World

Awareness of the World Around Us

March 1 is 'Clean-Up Australia Day'. The significance of the day is celebrated all around our community by members taking time out of their busy lives cleaning up their local park, street and community areas. It is also seen as a great learning opportunity at our school. During the week we experienced an incursion where the children learnt about the importance of recycling our food waste by starting a compost bin.
Year Five were very engaged during the lesson and have written an article below sharing their thoughts on the visit.


On Thursday 26 February Year Five participated in an incursion where they were spoken to about how to recycle effectively. A member from the Cleanaway Company, Natalie, also spoke to us about compost and how to start our own worm farm!

The exciting part for most people was holding worms, for others it was absolutely disgusting. In the mini worm farms we wet newspaper, worm eggs, rotten fruit or other forms of worm food. Natalie told us about worm food, worm habitats, worm tea and sickening food for worms.

 One other thing Natalie talked to us about was the three different types of bins. With this he told us about how the cycle works and what happens tot he rubbish.

This talk was very fascinating to everyone and we all had a great and informative time. Some more than others! Some photos are below.


  1. the recycling was cool

    1. The pictures looked great, Darby. I am not sure if I would like touching the worms though!

  2. The recycling was fun.

    1. Do you have a recycling bin at home ? We have one . They are great for the garden.

  3. it was fun to pick up worms:)

  4. They're so good for the environment too. My dad has a worm farm and he adds the castings to his vegetable garden and produces yummy corn and capsicum.

  5. I liked learning about the different ways we can recycle our food

    1. Do you have a recycling bin or vegetable garden at your house?

  6. it was gross! i didn't even pick one up!! daniel's hand had 1 peeing worm and 2 mating!

    1. I loved it but got a bit worried when one worm decided to have a party on my elbow! And I was in Dan's group and I never thought someone could be so interested in worms!

    2. Did they wear party hats to the party?

  7. I loved holding the worms! it was so fun!

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