Monday 16 November 2015

Interview with Mrs Bell
On Monday, we hosted an interview with Mrs Bell about how she shows her christianity. we asked her many questions about how she shows faith in her life. Some of these questions were: 

"How do you show your christianity at home?"
"I pray in the car before and after school, at school and at home."

"Why do you go to church?"
'It felt like something was missing if i didn't go to church on sundays." 

"Do you have any church responsibilities?"

Mrs Bell had a wonderful range of answers for our questions. Mrs Bell talked to us about her faith it was very good for our learning.Mrs Bell answered all of my questions i had for her.
Mrs Bell is a follower of Jesus.Mrs Bell has a heart of faith.
Mrs Bell says she is a follower of Jesus and a leader of Jesus.
I think Mrs Bell gave a good message on how to follow Jesus.I definitely think that mrs bell is good example of a follower of jesus.

Sr pauline improved 5S's faith by telling us many many story's like a nun came to her school and then she was inspired by the nun and then she wanted to be closer with god.At first she didn't care then the nun told spoke to her then it all happened.Sr pauline wouldn't put her self first unless she had to but she would only do it if she had to.She had amazing responses to all of our questions in 5S.Here is some of the examples,what inspired you to become a nun? why did you contributed to be a nun?   

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