Monday 16 November 2015



By blue groups.

This week, we have been learning about recounts. We have been looking at the structure, vocabulary and we have done some fun games to do with recounts. We chose 7 people to go out of the room and the rest of the class watched a video on a mystery story. We then formed groups of six, and in each group, a different person had a different qusetion to answer. A person who was outside walked through 1 line of six and were told 1 piece of information from each person. The walker then had to write a short recount of what they heard, and then read then out to the class. It was interesting to see all the different versions of the story and how they told it. After they were told , they watched the video and could see the differences they had made. It was funny that everyone chose to tell the interesting information insted of importent information. The children also elaborated the information. Some peoples stories were completly off and some were close. 


In week 2, we have started discovering what active and passive voices are.
Passive voices are when the reciever of the action is placed before the verb. Active voices are when the doer of the action comes before the verb. Here are some examples of active and passive voices:

  • ACTIVE - Tom kicked the door - PASSIVE - The door was kicked by Tom.
  • ACTIVE - Olivia read the book - PASSIVE - The book was read by Olivia.
  • ACTIVE - Matt ate a rotten apple - PASSIVE - The rotten apple was eaten by Matt.


This week we  have been investigating forensic science and what it is. Conveniently Mrs Standring's begonias were stolen when we arrived back from lunch. A crime scene was set up around Mrs Standring's desk. Many pieces of evidence have been found such as :Lipstick marks on a mug with black tea inside it, blue footprints,blue fingerprints on a letter, brown hair and chunks of dirt lying on Mrs Standring's desk.


Imagine a a book full of illusions with mirroring effects water effects sky effects and many more.the book plays illusions on your eyes that looks like one thing than it is not the same it is a very good book author Sarah L Thomson and paintings by Rob Gonsalves 

                                                                IMAGINE A NIGHT

In this book imagine a night they're are mystical illusions that make your head spin like a ferrest  wheel. The whole book is about is about illusions at night time and telling a story with images.

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