Monday 16 November 2015

Thursday Do-Good-Dot Reward.

Last Thursday, year 5 had a movie afternoon, watching "A Series of Unfortunate Events". We had an amazing time, eating chips & drinking a juice box. The story was about an extremely unfortunate event. The children's parents died in a mysterious fire (Count Olaf did it) and they are forced to live with their parents distant relative Count Olaf. The evil count has a plan to steal the orphans fortune. They are sent to live with another relative, a scientist who studies snakes. He was killed by Count Olaf. They are then sent to live with a paranoid aunt who is always saying that things will happen to them but when a large storm came all the things she was scared of happend .Count Olaf then fooled Aunt Josephine into a trap to float away into the ocean and be devoured by horrifying and slimy leaches.  

We also got to dress up in our favourite sports jersey, sporting clothes or their weekend sport shirt to school. Everyone had an amazing time on Thursday watching the movie, enjoying the chips, juice and wearing our mufti.We also had sport and music that day so we played a modified version of baseball in our wicked sports outfits and chanted our beats,rhythms and ostinatos in style.We enjoyed Thursday and we can't wait for our next do-good-dot reward.

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