Monday 16 November 2015

Manly Beach

On Friday 23 October, Year 5 and Year 6 took a trip to Manly Beach to learn about Surf Safety and how to identify and save ourself in rips. Some activities that we did were board surfing, wading and how to dolphin dive. We spent some of our time at a waveless beach to learn basic skills before moving onto Manly Beach were we had fun doing our major activities.
On Tuesday, last term, the surf education people came in to talk about surf safety and revising us about safety and how to identify rips.They were talking about what we will be doing on the day when we go to Manly beach like surfing, swimming, races, running, how to surf (not standing) and how to survive when you get cought by a rip. We got stuck in traffic on the way to Manly but it was worth it. Everybody enjoyed the ride and surfing at Manly.We were split into three groups one group walked to shelly beach then the other group was on the surf board and the final the group was doing races and body surfing.We had about 1 hour for every activity then we rotated. We are very thankful to all the teachers and parents who attended the day and helped it be a day worth remembering.

1 comment:

  1. this story of the 5 and 6 was very great so far
    thanks leanda
