Saturday 18 April 2015

Day 11


Father Chris kept telling us that Rome will have a different feel and it does. During the reflection today Michael reminded us that the church has two lung one is the traditions and the other is the scripture, I feel the same can be said about Jordan and Jerusalem and Rome. Our faith was born in The Holy City however Rome continues to give it life.


A place so deep in history you feel and see the growth of our faith all around you. Today was a great introduction to this land. Starting in the morning with a trip to the Colosseum. This amazing monument was completed in eight years. Prisoners under the rule of Vespasin and his son, Titus, built it. A new learning I have today is that it is commonly called the Colosseum but its real name is ‘Flavian Amphitheatre’. As we participated in a guided tour of it we were told of horrific acts of violence that happen for 100 days a year. It was built to house the games where the rulers of the time pitted exotic animals against each other or against people. It was also where people came to see gladiators fight each other.

Today a section of the Colosseum is a chapel and mass is said daily. It has become a blessed space where we can come to pray for those who are persecuted around the world.

St Paul’s outside the wall

My connection with Australia felt the strongest today as we visited this beautiful basilica. It is built over the tomb of St Paul and was built by Constantine. Although it was destroyed by fire in 1823 today it stands a monument to our patron saint –Saint Paul the Apostle.

During his homily Father Chris referred to it as the most significant church because St Paul was buried here. In one of the photos are some of the remaining links to the chain that was used to chain him when he was imprisoned.

Today Father spoke of the importance of listening and how hard it was to do so. It is not the first time he has spoken of this during my journey but the more he speaks of it the more I realise how hard it is to do it but also how important it is for us. He further explained ‘when we keep our eyes on Christ we are living and being the best we can be. However when we take our eyes off the Lord is when we start to fret and loose sight of our gifts and how to use them in our life. By listening to Christ and keeping our eyes on him we are able to stand with Peter and Paul and spread the Good News to all.
Christ asked Paul ‘Why are you persecuting me?’ And as Paul reflected on this question he developed the theology of Church as the body of Christ. How are you the hands of Christ to the people you meet, to members of your family?
St Paul's outside the wall

The tomb of St Paul

Statue of St Paul

The door to the basilica

Mosaic in the basilica



  1. I can not believe you were i have always wanted to go. and we are all missing you at school.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
