Thursday 9 April 2015

My Pilgrimage

Day 1

Saying goodbye to Stuart, Amelia and Quinn was harder than I imagined but I was thankful once I got on the plan and the journey began. Fourteen hours was a long time to stay in one place, Thankfully it was night time and I managed to get about six hours sleep. For me that is a really long sleep. In my moments of wake time I watch a few interesting movies.

Dubai is an amazing airport and HUGE. We had to change planes here and that meant we had to walk to a train station catch a train to the other rend of the airport and then walk about twenty more minutes. Then we climbed onto another flight. Thankfully this flight was only 3 hours long and better still no one sat next to me so i had two seats all to myself. OH! What a lovely sleep I had.

After arriving in Jordan we were ferried onto a bus. First stop was Mount Nebo. Year Five this is awesome for you as we are going to be talking about Moses next term and this is the mountain Moses climbed.

Deuteronomy 34:1-12 speaks of the time when Moses left the plains of Moab and went to Mount Nebo. The reading speaks of this being the land to be given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When Moses died he was buried in the valley. His body has never been found.

I cannot believe I stood on the land Moses stood upon. I feel so blessed!

This art work represents the many different parts of the bible and the love Jesus had for us

This was used to close of a doorway

This refers to the serpent that Moses talked about in his writings

You may not believe this but the trees were wattle! One of the monks that works in the area is Australian. I think he may have wanted a part of his home to be with him.

We travelled on towards the Dead Sea and I was amazed at the different types of house. We thought some of them weren't finished but then our guide told us that they are finished but they leave the columns going up because then when their sons get married he can build on top of the house and live with the family. It is also a lot cheaper to do this as land here is very expensive for people in Jordan. We also saw some camels.

After the trip down from Mount Nebo we arrived at our hotel. It is beautiful and I feel very lucky to be staying here tonight. It is right near the Dead Sea. This sea is so salty it makes it incredibly dense so you end up floating. It is rougher than what I imagined it would be. I am waving in the photo can you spot me?

I hope to keep you up dated throughout my journey. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Mrs Standing.


  1. Looks beautiful - what a wonderful experience.

  2. It is more than I ever thought it would be. Wish you were here too

  3. Dear Mrs Standring
    You must be having so much fun there.Taking great pictures and we are all missing you very much.
    from Samantha

  4. Floating in the dead sea was an amazing experience, but not as awesome as walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
