Tuesday 21 April 2015

Day 14

Day 14
Our last full day on our pilgrimage today. What a journey! We travelled from Rome to Assisi today. Spent some time in St Clare. She was a friend of St Francis and at the age of 18 she left her home and ran away to meet Francis. Eventually she set up a convent who were known as the Poor Clares.


Our last full day was complete with Mass at the Basilica of St Francis. Father Chris’ homily was again a very fitting one, as he reminded us of the importance of not believing in the great lies that often our society thrusts on us. The following statements speak of the lies that we can fall into believing and is important for all people to think about how they stop us being the ‘me’ that God wants us to be. They are;

I am what I have.
I am what I do.
I am what I look like.
I am my reputation.

St Francis knew these conceits (lies) and spent his life seeing God in others and nature. He also spoke of the importance of doing so in our own life. Father Chris encourages us to be our true self and try and follow the teachings of Christ in all we do.

I leave you with some photos of Assisi and the surrounding countryside as we were not allowed to take photos in the churches. ( I will put the photos up when the internet connections is better. Sorry)

See you soon to spread the Good News together.


  1. Hi Leanda here are the blogs from the kids completed during Literacy groups.
    We all loved the idea that you got to wake up in the morning to a lovely sunrise.

    That is amazing. We never knew that there were 153 fish in the net and that Jesus told the disciples to be fishers of all the people.

    You will have to tell us what you ate. I am so speechless , you are lucky.
    Emily J

  2. The best part is reading your comments. I hope my pilgrimage helps us all understand our faith more and gives us courage to live it.

  3. What was the most sacred Church or garden?
