Sunday 19 April 2015

Day 12


There can not be a better way to start the day then standing in the middle of St Peter’s Square and witnessing Pope Francis give his Sunday reflection on today’s readings. Although I could not understand his address due to a language barrier just being in the square with all of these believers was amazing.

Basilica of St John Lateran

After this we visited the one of the earliest churches in Europe. It became the Pope’s own cathedral and was at one stage the Pope’s residence. Today it is known as the Cathedral of Rome.

In St Peter's Square

Pope Francis comes to the window at tweleve

It is believed that some of St Peter's bones are encased in the obelisk

Pope Francis addresses the crowds

Scala Santa and Basilica of Santa Croce in Jerusalem.

Opposite the Basilica is the Holy Stairs. It is believed that St Helen, mother of the Emperor Constantine collected the staircase and relics. Being covered by wood carefully preserves the marble stairs. Their are twenty eight stairs and although no special prayer is obligatory a short prayer for each step was written in Rome for each of the steps. You are not allowed to walk on the stairs with your feet so move forward on your knees. Once you start the prayer you need to complete the whole staircase. It is an amazing way to praise our God and remember our faith.

We also visited the relics of the ‘Shroud of Turin. The real shroud has just been placed on display again after five years. The church also houses relics relating to Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. I will ad more information about this tomorrow as I need to read more information regarding what I saw and it is nearly twelve o’clock here. Tomorrow is an early day as we have to be at ST Peter’s for a seven o’clock mass which means we get up at five.

This Pope ordered the church to be built

Old fashioned confessional

Jerusalem Cross

Replica of the shroud of Turin.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wish I could be there

  3. me to Hayley.
    from Samantha
