Friday 10 April 2015

Day 2 Pilgrimage

Work up this morning to a beautiful calm morning. The wind of yesterday had gone and the scenery was as if someone had painted it.

The Dead Sea from Jordan

The Dead Sea from Jordan


The River Jordan

Today we spent time contemplating the Baptism of Jesus by visiting the Jordan River.  Our guide explained to us the consequences of having too many dams on the river, using the water for agriculture and industry is causing the river to drop by three feet every year. (Year five there are about 12.5centimetres in one foot. Can you work out how many centimetres each year he river is dropping?)

Like many countries in the world the people of Jordan feel compelled to look after their environment however they find it difficult because of many factors including the flow of the water being in the hands of the Israelis and using the water for agriculture are just a few reasons.

All around the world people are linked because of their beliefs and here is no different. In actual fact the bonds here seem so strong. Today we reflected on the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. As we looked upon he archeological site our guide explained, ' we all know Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but Christianity was born here in the baptising of Jesus.' I think we all felt a moment of awe as we stood in silence and reflected on what that statement meant to us as Christians.
In the bible passage Mark 1:7-11 it refers to the Baptism of Jesus by John and highlights Johns desire for others to understand he was only baptising in water but someone more powerful that him will come and will baptise you with the Holy Spirit. being their today and listening to and thinking about this was definitely a moment that will stay in my heart for ever.

This were it is believed that John the Baptist baptised Jesus. The archeological findings are inline with many writings about the events of our Lord's Baptism.

As we walked back to the bus the pathway was lined with thorn trees. During Good Friday we learn about how Christ was crucified, suffered and died for us. During the second station a crown of thorns is placed on his head. I have heard this ever since I was a child and not until I saw the size of those thorns did I truly understand the pain and suffering our Lord experienced for us.Oh how much he loves us!

Tonight we rest in Jerusalem, by the Sea of Galilee. I will complete this blog over the next few days. Stay safe Mrs Standring


  1. I was thinking Wow the thorns were that big Jesus did sacrificed for us . I can't believe you saw where jesus was baptised .
    form Samantha

  2. I know right. Why is your name looms and things

  3. Hayley i do not know how to change it do you?
