Saturday 11 April 2015

Day 3 Pilgrimage

Basilica of the Transfiguration

This morning I woke up to rain and cold weather. The temperature only reached 9C. The rain didn't put a dampener on the day though and shortly after breakfast we headed to the Basilica of the Transfiguration. It is on top of Mt Tabor which is the mountain that Jesus took Peter, James and John to and visions of Moses and Elijah to show them he was the Son of God. In the reading from Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 'I saw, coming on the clouds of heaven, one like a son of man.' The reading came to life as we travelled up the mountain and drove into the clouds. The church was breathtaking and showed many of the symbols we discussed last term. Can you spot any in the photos I have added to the blog.

Historically many of the events of the time of Jesus took place on mountains because the people at the time thought that the higher up you were the closer you were to God and heaven. Sacrificing things to show your commitment to the Lord was common during the time of Jesus. Can you find any other biblical readings that show sacrifices?


Our next stop provided us with the opportunity to visit an area that showed actors the Nazareth Jesus knew. The photos explain what I saw.

We also spent sometime visiting a church where the Angel visited Mary. Within the church you could see Mary’s house, which is very different to houses we live in today. The church also showed the many forms of Mary from different cultures. I have included Australia’s interpretations of Mary. Look at the other mosaics, can you work out which country created the image?

American image of Mary

Australian's depiction of the Annunciation


  1. i can see stars,angle and light . I can't imagine what it would be like to be there right know .
    From Samantha

  2. He was the trip up Mount Tabor in the wet?
