Monday 16 November 2015

Interview with Mrs Bell
On Monday, we hosted an interview with Mrs Bell about how she shows her christianity. we asked her many questions about how she shows faith in her life. Some of these questions were: 

"How do you show your christianity at home?"
"I pray in the car before and after school, at school and at home."

"Why do you go to church?"
'It felt like something was missing if i didn't go to church on sundays." 

"Do you have any church responsibilities?"

Mrs Bell had a wonderful range of answers for our questions. Mrs Bell talked to us about her faith it was very good for our learning.Mrs Bell answered all of my questions i had for her.
Mrs Bell is a follower of Jesus.Mrs Bell has a heart of faith.
Mrs Bell says she is a follower of Jesus and a leader of Jesus.
I think Mrs Bell gave a good message on how to follow Jesus.I definitely think that mrs bell is good example of a follower of jesus.

Sr pauline improved 5S's faith by telling us many many story's like a nun came to her school and then she was inspired by the nun and then she wanted to be closer with god.At first she didn't care then the nun told spoke to her then it all happened.Sr pauline wouldn't put her self first unless she had to but she would only do it if she had to.She had amazing responses to all of our questions in 5S.Here is some of the examples,what inspired you to become a nun? why did you contributed to be a nun?   


Last week Year 5 received a sheet of paper notifying who our buddies are. We were stoked to find out we had our own sidekicks like batman and robin.

Some people received 2 buddies and some girls received boys this makes it a bit hard to know what they like. Also Year 5 made little gift bag packed with fun activities like colouring  in, reading picture books and a note about school rules. Some of us have found out what our buddies look like because they have came to school for the siblings in kindergarten to year 6. Some buddies have no older siblings in big school.Year 5 are meeting there buddies in December 3. We cannot wait.



By blue groups.

This week, we have been learning about recounts. We have been looking at the structure, vocabulary and we have done some fun games to do with recounts. We chose 7 people to go out of the room and the rest of the class watched a video on a mystery story. We then formed groups of six, and in each group, a different person had a different qusetion to answer. A person who was outside walked through 1 line of six and were told 1 piece of information from each person. The walker then had to write a short recount of what they heard, and then read then out to the class. It was interesting to see all the different versions of the story and how they told it. After they were told , they watched the video and could see the differences they had made. It was funny that everyone chose to tell the interesting information insted of importent information. The children also elaborated the information. Some peoples stories were completly off and some were close. 


In week 2, we have started discovering what active and passive voices are.
Passive voices are when the reciever of the action is placed before the verb. Active voices are when the doer of the action comes before the verb. Here are some examples of active and passive voices:

  • ACTIVE - Tom kicked the door - PASSIVE - The door was kicked by Tom.
  • ACTIVE - Olivia read the book - PASSIVE - The book was read by Olivia.
  • ACTIVE - Matt ate a rotten apple - PASSIVE - The rotten apple was eaten by Matt.


This week we  have been investigating forensic science and what it is. Conveniently Mrs Standring's begonias were stolen when we arrived back from lunch. A crime scene was set up around Mrs Standring's desk. Many pieces of evidence have been found such as :Lipstick marks on a mug with black tea inside it, blue footprints,blue fingerprints on a letter, brown hair and chunks of dirt lying on Mrs Standring's desk.


Imagine a a book full of illusions with mirroring effects water effects sky effects and many more.the book plays illusions on your eyes that looks like one thing than it is not the same it is a very good book author Sarah L Thomson and paintings by Rob Gonsalves 

                                                                IMAGINE A NIGHT

In this book imagine a night they're are mystical illusions that make your head spin like a ferrest  wheel. The whole book is about is about illusions at night time and telling a story with images.

Thursday Do-Good-Dot Reward.

Last Thursday, year 5 had a movie afternoon, watching "A Series of Unfortunate Events". We had an amazing time, eating chips & drinking a juice box. The story was about an extremely unfortunate event. The children's parents died in a mysterious fire (Count Olaf did it) and they are forced to live with their parents distant relative Count Olaf. The evil count has a plan to steal the orphans fortune. They are sent to live with another relative, a scientist who studies snakes. He was killed by Count Olaf. They are then sent to live with a paranoid aunt who is always saying that things will happen to them but when a large storm came all the things she was scared of happend .Count Olaf then fooled Aunt Josephine into a trap to float away into the ocean and be devoured by horrifying and slimy leaches.  

We also got to dress up in our favourite sports jersey, sporting clothes or their weekend sport shirt to school. Everyone had an amazing time on Thursday watching the movie, enjoying the chips, juice and wearing our mufti.We also had sport and music that day so we played a modified version of baseball in our wicked sports outfits and chanted our beats,rhythms and ostinatos in style.We enjoyed Thursday and we can't wait for our next do-good-dot reward.

On Friday we had a special incursion celebrating book week.Two people came to show us the important's of books.They dressed up and sang funny songs 

This book week has been going for over 70 years 1945-2015. On this day all the people who won the book week competition all gets a book and certificate because they have drawn a beautiful piece of art work. Primary did the  drawing competition and infants did the colouring,the theme was what books light up your world when the people that won got their certificate they got a picture with the people that did the show.   

There was a man and a girl book week 2015 Shine and light and they sang songs together.

Manly Beach

On Friday 23 October, Year 5 and Year 6 took a trip to Manly Beach to learn about Surf Safety and how to identify and save ourself in rips. Some activities that we did were board surfing, wading and how to dolphin dive. We spent some of our time at a waveless beach to learn basic skills before moving onto Manly Beach were we had fun doing our major activities.
On Tuesday, last term, the surf education people came in to talk about surf safety and revising us about safety and how to identify rips.They were talking about what we will be doing on the day when we go to Manly beach like surfing, swimming, races, running, how to surf (not standing) and how to survive when you get cought by a rip. We got stuck in traffic on the way to Manly but it was worth it. Everybody enjoyed the ride and surfing at Manly.We were split into three groups one group walked to shelly beach then the other group was on the surf board and the final the group was doing races and body surfing.We had about 1 hour for every activity then we rotated. We are very thankful to all the teachers and parents who attended the day and helped it be a day worth remembering.


Remembrance day-Lest We Forget

On Wednesday the 11th of November, St. Paul the Apostle students came together to remember those who fought for us by coming together in the playground for a ceremony. We said scripture readings, prayers, the ode and a two minute silence.To remember The Australian solider's, their hard work and that they fought for our country. The solider's who gave up their lives for our country they first thought it was a adventure but it turned out to be hell. Today we remember the brave solider's who put down their weapons  and stopped the gun fire to think about what they have been doing for the past 4 years. The poor men that had been tormented by what they had seen.

Monday 24 August 2015

Book Week

Books Light Up Our World
This week is book week, on Tuesday we are coming to school as our favourite book character.
We will be having a book parade showing our character to the parents and to all of the students and teachers. That week we will be holding an open day and we will be showing our parents our maths and writing.

This year, on the 25/8 on Tuesday Kindergarten-year 6 will be dressing up in there most favourite character from the book that lights up your world. We had many different character such as Harry Potters to minecraft characters. There were may creative costumes! This book-week theme is 'books light up our world.' Here are some outstanding costumes from year 5. The parade was followed by the parents and grandparents coming into the classroom.

What fun

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Grandparents Mass

The Grandparents' Mass was a great success. The choir sung beautifully and all the grandparents had a lovely time visiting our classrooms. They had an amazing morning tea and biscuits. St Paul's senior band played an outstanding ensemble of songs and entertained everyone with their musical talents.

After the mass, the grandparents had a chance to see all the children's outstanding bookwork, and  those who had no grandparents with them completed a mathematical activity. The mass was celebrating the feast of Jesus' grandparents saint Anne and saint Joachim!

Athletics carnival

This morning some of the school went down to Max Ruddocks Reserve but some of the people had to leave early to do the 800 meter run.The only events were the 800,200 and 100 metre sprints.All of the teachers were very supportive to all the kids that ran at the event. All the kids that didn't do so well were supported by all the other children. All the kids had a great time at this event showing off the skills they have for running. In the 8 hundred meters under 11's there were 6 places in most of all the races. It was under 8 to under 12.The diocesan is next week for all the fast runner.  

Sunday 26 July 2015

Students support Door Knock Appeal

Our Mini Vinnies Team has been hard at work this term producing a video showing their support of the St Vincent de Paul door knock Appeal. During the week they entered all the classes from Kindy to Year Six and explained why we should come together and support this great organisation. Our school has been an active participant in the appeal for many years and slowly the support from students and parents has increased. If you have a few hours to spare on August 22 or 23 please think about joining your child in support of this appeal. It is a great way to show your child the importance of giving back to the community and living our faith.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Skipping, Mr Murray and Netball


Recently the media reported on the importance of engaging children in physical activities to combat the growing obesity levels among children. Thankfully at St Paul's we are trying to give the students many opportunities to develop their skills and improve their fitness levels. During this term the Dance Fever Team has returned with the emphasis on skipping. Year Five love it as is seen by the blog below.  

Throughout the year the students are also able to participate in many gala days. Our latest gala day focussed on netball. 

So far we have been learning new skills in our skipping class like the double jump. Hayley!
So far year 5 have been learning lots of cool skipping. Our skipping teachers taught us new skills.Holly!
Hi guys, on monday we did skipping it was fun Claudia f.
On Monday we attended the skipping program. We learnt how to do speed skipping it was really fun and tiring. Alsa
WOW! Monday was so much fun I didn't want to leave the skipping program it is always a blast . we have challenges that are awesome and our tricks are really spectacular and fun! thanks so much Lieutenant  and Tommy.Eliza.
Each week Year Five have a goal to learn a new strategy. Being our second week we focussed on speed. From far away it looks easy but close up it looks really hard. The instructors taught us techniques to go faster than usual. You keep your feet really low and only twist your wrists.

On Tuesday the 21/7/15 year 3 to 6 girls went to the Netball Gala Day they had a great day meanwhile the rest of year 5 and year 6 children listened to Mr Murray talking about his life and all types of bulling and solutions to stop bulling.We all enjoyed our very special day with Netball and Mr Murray's visit.At the netball gala day all the girls had an amazing day versing many  different schools around the diocese.
Congrats to the girls who represented our school at the St Bernadette's netball gala day.

On Tuesday the netball Gala day went ahead. Girls from Years 3-6 went and everyone had fun. Even though some people lost their games we all had a good day. Special thanks to the volunteers and teachers who helped on the day and to Mr Lehmann for organising the day.

This week girls went to the gala day. Even though we did not win all of our games we had a lot of fun. A big thanks to all the parents who helped and came along to support us. great work to Year Six and Year 3 who won the whole day. We hope we get the opportunity to participate in it again next year.

Unfortunately we were going to have our athletics carnival on Thursday but due to rain t was postponed for the second time. Hopefully we will have better luck next time. It was a week of disappointment, a we also discovered our good friend Declan is leaving. We will miss you Declan and wish you all the best at your new school.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Our First Day Back !

On our first day back we started by doing maths. In maths we did number busting for our warm up. Then we did a task about the difference between pyramids and prism and finding parallel lines in the shapes.

When we finished maths we split into our reading groups.My group was with Mrs Spencer we were reading a book called 'Where the forest meets the sea'. After morning tea we went to the hall to do an activity called skipping the helpers were Luke (Lieutenant) and Tom (tommy).

This term we have the privilege of having a prac teacher educating us. Miss Apap has been teaching Religion and English lessons each day. She is a great teacher and is very kind. She helps us with our studies too. Miss Apap has taught Year five how to put a picture in our mind by using descriptive language. Thank you Miss Apap for being a great teacher. We know that you will become an amazing teacher (you already are)
When she teaches us how to write descriptive writing she tells us to visualise the different parts of a hamburger. We use the top bun as the topic sentence, the patty , cheese and salad as the three supporting sentences and the bottom bun as our concluding sentence. This helps us organise our paragraph into different parts.

Term 3

What a good term 2 it has been, and good fun of course!
Now we're back in to action for term 3. Dance fever has brought back their dance crew this time for a great term of skipping.We learnt how to skip with 2 people using 1 rope. This term we have a fantastic new teacher Miss Apap. She is a wonderful help and so kind. We are very excited for next weeks sports carnival. Good luck to all colours.

Sunday 28 June 2015

                                                                Year 5 Camp

Last week Year Five went to camp. On the way to camp we stopped at the Blue Mountains and looked at the Three Sisters.

then we got back on the bus 

When we went to Bluegum lodge there was a lot of activities set up for us like low ropes , absailing, mountain biking and more.

When we were at Bluegum lodge there was nutritious food set up for us we were in Groups the groups were group A , group B group C and group D and we had turn of setting the table.

We went to MacDonalds we were so hungry on the first day we want to Bathurst.

camp was the best experience we have ever had in our  intire life.

Camp was so exciting and was probably the funnest time of my life it was the best.

Camp was extremely fun. My funnest activity was absailing  because it felt like walking on a cloud.

camp was so exciting words can't describe .

Camp was so fun and exciting that when i got there i ran straight inside the camp.

camp was an amazing expireance  and somewere to build friendships and trust.

                                                   Year 5 Camp! 
Year 5 camp was an amazing expierience for Year 5! Here are some highlights. During camp we went  to Bathurst to do GOLD PANNING! When we arrived at Springwood we arrived at a motel called Blue Gum Lodge. We all were very excited. Before we went to Bathurst we arrived a Katoomba or The Three Sisters. We had Recess and went to Echo Point We had two class photos.



Tuesday 9 June 2015

Multimodal Texts

In class, we have been learning about multimodal texts.

Multimodal means more than one and texts are a presentation attempting to persuade or entertain a crowd or person. To look more into them we are making an advertisement of our own about gold mining products. These products can include: pans, shovels, picks and cradles.These are just some of the tools that are being advertised in the grade for our task. We can either advertise with a poster or tv add!

 We also watched a Cadbury chocolate add. It gave us all a good laugh and we enjoyed it as the kids were moving there eyelids in a funny way.

We will add the ones we are doing together in groups of four when they are complete.
This week was NAPLAN, this meant that the whole of Australia including year 3,5,7,9 did NAPLAN. The test was very hard but all of us got through.It was tough so we had to be very quiet
and we could not get out of our seats or get a tissue. We couldn't have a drink of water or go to the toilet. We participated in Literacy .

This week was NAPLAN it was a fun week ,because there was no homework, even though NAPLAN
 It was hard but  we got through the painful , stressful experience. we participated  in maths  writing  and literacy . We are very glad that NAPLAN is over !!!!!!

Monday 11 May 2015


History and Human Society and Its Environment

This term the children are investigating how the gold rush contributed and influenced Australian Society. This will include a much anticipated trip to Bathurst where the children will experience first hand what life was like on the 'Gold Fields'. Below is a reflection written by the students highlighting what we have discovered so far.

Welcome to Term Two of learning! This term we have started to learn about the gold rush and how it was discovered in Australia. The first payable gold field in Australia was found by Edward Hargraves. Although, the first payable gold nugget was found by the Tom brothers and Lister. The largest nugget of gold found in Australia was called 'The Welcome Stranger' and it weighed 20 thousand ounces.

In a few weeks, we will get the opportunity to travel to Bathurst and Blue Gum Lodge for camp and will learn a lot more about the Eureka Stockade. Also we can pan for actual gold nuggets. 

During class this term we have been studying Gold. We have been learning many interesting facts and have watched many interesting youtube videos. To help us gain information for our upcoming adventure to Bathurst. For example Gold is a valuable metal it is very expensive. Also the biggest gold was called the 'Welcome Stranger'.

We have been learning about the interesting subject called gold.Gold is a precious metal that is found under ground.Gold was found in Australia from1851 to 1906.

Gold was the most important thing to people because it was valuable, when people discovered gold they all started looking for the gold because it was expensive.

 Gold in some countries is valuable because it is worth lots of money.
Welcome Stranger

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Day 14

Day 14
Our last full day on our pilgrimage today. What a journey! We travelled from Rome to Assisi today. Spent some time in St Clare. She was a friend of St Francis and at the age of 18 she left her home and ran away to meet Francis. Eventually she set up a convent who were known as the Poor Clares.


Our last full day was complete with Mass at the Basilica of St Francis. Father Chris’ homily was again a very fitting one, as he reminded us of the importance of not believing in the great lies that often our society thrusts on us. The following statements speak of the lies that we can fall into believing and is important for all people to think about how they stop us being the ‘me’ that God wants us to be. They are;

I am what I have.
I am what I do.
I am what I look like.
I am my reputation.

St Francis knew these conceits (lies) and spent his life seeing God in others and nature. He also spoke of the importance of doing so in our own life. Father Chris encourages us to be our true self and try and follow the teachings of Christ in all we do.

I leave you with some photos of Assisi and the surrounding countryside as we were not allowed to take photos in the churches. ( I will put the photos up when the internet connections is better. Sorry)

See you soon to spread the Good News together.

Monday 20 April 2015

Day 13

Our last day in Rome!

We started the morning with Mass in the Basilica of St Peter, in the Popes Grotto. It was tremendous and uplifting experience to celebrate mass in front of St Peter’s tomb. This tomb encases the bones of St Peter.

Father spoke to us about the importance of remembering that Christianity is not about the relationship between just us and God but a relationship between ‘we and God’. It is through communion that this can occur. He also reminded us that the ornate, beautiful churches we see are not meant to be a sign of power in the church but should be seen as a sign of mystic power. As we enter the church or in your case look at the photos it is important to remember all of the artists, architects, builders and writers that worked together to create the churches as this is a sign of community and also shows the ‘we’ element of our faith.

He also spoke of the sign of the cross being a great symbol reminding us of the community within our church. When you make the sign of the cross the vertical part is about God and me and the horizontal part reminds us of the God and us. Where we meet is at the heart.

When Mass had ended we were able to spend some reflective time in the basilica. To be given the opportunity to spend time in the presence of our Lord without the crowds that consumed the church later in the day was breathtaking. 
St Peter's Basilica

The Nave of the basilica

Michelangelo's -'Pieta'

All artwork are glass mosaics not paintings


In Roman times the area where the current church sits was a hillside. It was used as a raceway. The obelisk once stood at the centre of the area but was used and can now be seen at the front of the basilica.

When St Peter was crucified and killed he asked to be hung upside down as he didn’t want to be crucified the same way as Christ. His body was placed in a grave in the hill. Over two hundred and fifty years late Emperor Constantine built a enormous wooden basilica which held the remains of St Peter. Unfortunately it was not very stable and seventy three years later it could not longer be restored so was demolished. A succession of architects contributed to the designing and building of this spectacular building, including Michelangelo. It took 176 years to complete and is the greatest church to Christianity.

Today the Vatican museum holds many beautiful pieces of artwork and tapestries which stand as a testament to the dedication and hard work of the many people involved in building the church and working in community to celebrate their faith.

The Sistine Chapel is one such area. I remember studying the great work of Michelangelo when I was at school, especially the creation of Adam which depicts God reaching out to Adam and giving him life. Today my dream of seeing this remarkable artwork came true. We were not able to take photos of the painting as the flashes can ruin the artwork. I stood staring upwards and although many other people crowded me I truly felt as if I was alone thanking God for this wonderful opportunity. I will let the pictures of the rest of the area speak to you. Take some time to think about the question found in Luke 9:20 He said to them, But who say you that I am?

Vatican gardens

Can you see the peacocks?

Do you remember what they represent?

This statue was made from marble

Although this looks three dimensional it is actually a painting.

A cat on a tapestry

The beautiful gardens surround the vatican


Sunday 19 April 2015

Day 12


There can not be a better way to start the day then standing in the middle of St Peter’s Square and witnessing Pope Francis give his Sunday reflection on today’s readings. Although I could not understand his address due to a language barrier just being in the square with all of these believers was amazing.

Basilica of St John Lateran

After this we visited the one of the earliest churches in Europe. It became the Pope’s own cathedral and was at one stage the Pope’s residence. Today it is known as the Cathedral of Rome.

In St Peter's Square

Pope Francis comes to the window at tweleve

It is believed that some of St Peter's bones are encased in the obelisk

Pope Francis addresses the crowds

Scala Santa and Basilica of Santa Croce in Jerusalem.

Opposite the Basilica is the Holy Stairs. It is believed that St Helen, mother of the Emperor Constantine collected the staircase and relics. Being covered by wood carefully preserves the marble stairs. Their are twenty eight stairs and although no special prayer is obligatory a short prayer for each step was written in Rome for each of the steps. You are not allowed to walk on the stairs with your feet so move forward on your knees. Once you start the prayer you need to complete the whole staircase. It is an amazing way to praise our God and remember our faith.

We also visited the relics of the ‘Shroud of Turin. The real shroud has just been placed on display again after five years. The church also houses relics relating to Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. I will ad more information about this tomorrow as I need to read more information regarding what I saw and it is nearly twelve o’clock here. Tomorrow is an early day as we have to be at ST Peter’s for a seven o’clock mass which means we get up at five.

This Pope ordered the church to be built

Old fashioned confessional

Jerusalem Cross

Replica of the shroud of Turin.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Day 11


Father Chris kept telling us that Rome will have a different feel and it does. During the reflection today Michael reminded us that the church has two lung one is the traditions and the other is the scripture, I feel the same can be said about Jordan and Jerusalem and Rome. Our faith was born in The Holy City however Rome continues to give it life.


A place so deep in history you feel and see the growth of our faith all around you. Today was a great introduction to this land. Starting in the morning with a trip to the Colosseum. This amazing monument was completed in eight years. Prisoners under the rule of Vespasin and his son, Titus, built it. A new learning I have today is that it is commonly called the Colosseum but its real name is ‘Flavian Amphitheatre’. As we participated in a guided tour of it we were told of horrific acts of violence that happen for 100 days a year. It was built to house the games where the rulers of the time pitted exotic animals against each other or against people. It was also where people came to see gladiators fight each other.

Today a section of the Colosseum is a chapel and mass is said daily. It has become a blessed space where we can come to pray for those who are persecuted around the world.

St Paul’s outside the wall

My connection with Australia felt the strongest today as we visited this beautiful basilica. It is built over the tomb of St Paul and was built by Constantine. Although it was destroyed by fire in 1823 today it stands a monument to our patron saint –Saint Paul the Apostle.

During his homily Father Chris referred to it as the most significant church because St Paul was buried here. In one of the photos are some of the remaining links to the chain that was used to chain him when he was imprisoned.

Today Father spoke of the importance of listening and how hard it was to do so. It is not the first time he has spoken of this during my journey but the more he speaks of it the more I realise how hard it is to do it but also how important it is for us. He further explained ‘when we keep our eyes on Christ we are living and being the best we can be. However when we take our eyes off the Lord is when we start to fret and loose sight of our gifts and how to use them in our life. By listening to Christ and keeping our eyes on him we are able to stand with Peter and Paul and spread the Good News to all.
Christ asked Paul ‘Why are you persecuting me?’ And as Paul reflected on this question he developed the theology of Church as the body of Christ. How are you the hands of Christ to the people you meet, to members of your family?
St Paul's outside the wall

The tomb of St Paul

Statue of St Paul

The door to the basilica

Mosaic in the basilica